Gabb Phone 4 Photo App

System Administrator Posts: 7 Admin
edited August 21 in Gabb phones
This discussion was created from comments split from: Where is the Gallery app on Gabb phone 4 pro?.


  • Ecshaw
    Ecshaw Member Posts: 2
    edited August 22

    @ReaganKowal we have the gabb phone 4, and there is no “Gallery” app on the phone or available in the App Store. there is just the Photos app, and the only option in the three dots menu when a photo is selected is “delete”. How can we add photos to Contacts?

  • snoopymama
    snoopymama Member Posts: 2

    we just got a Gabb PHone 4 and do not have the Gallery app, can't navigate to the Knox e Fota App and don't have google play store. we want to add pictures to contacts like many others on this post. howdo we do this? we are new to Gabb but there seem to be a lot of bugs with the phone.

  • ReaganKowal
    ReaganKowal Administrator, Moderator Posts: 438 Admin

    Hello @snoopymama,

    The Gabb Phone 4 and Gabb Phone 4 Pro have different features. The Gabb Phone 4 has the Photos app only.

    To add a photo to a contact, please follow these steps:

    1. Navigate to the desired contact
    2. Select the pencil icon
    3. Select camera
    4. Choose a photo

    Hope this helps!


  • System
    System Administrator Posts: 7 Admin
    edited August 21
    This discussion was created from comments split from: Gallery not available from Contacts - Gabb Phone 3.
  • LUse514
    LUse514 Member Posts: 2

    @ReaganKowal i followed your instructions and when it opens the selected photo, there’s nothing to “confirm” that you want that photo. Please advise. Thanks

  • ReaganKowal
    ReaganKowal Administrator, Moderator Posts: 438 Admin

    Hi @LUse514,

    Thank you for this comment! So sorry for any trouble this has caused. Our team has been made aware of this error and is actively looking into getting this resolved. They don't have a set date of when this will be made available at this time but I would be more than happy to update this thread as soon as it is added.

    Thank you for your patience!


  • AmyC
    AmyC Member Posts: 2

    Regarding the many issues posted above with the Photos app, it would be great to get a clear understanding of when this will be resolved and. It would also be great if your online chat agents were better informed on how to respond to this issue. I just waited nearly an hour on the chat just to be told simply "I'm sorry but the devices are unable to edit photos. I'm very sorry for any inconvenience…"

  • MKSmith
    MKSmith Member Posts: 2

    I agree with the above comment. My daughter just got her Gabb Phone 4 “upgrade” today and it’s pretty frustrating to learn she cannot do something simple like add a picture to a contact.

  • Katie123
    Katie123 Member Posts: 1

    I recently bought the gabb phone 4. Not pro. And having the same issues with the photo app as everyone else. Looks like the issue was fixed for the Pro phone by adding the gallery app but what about for just the 4 phone? She cant assign pics to contacts or edit pics in the photo app. Is this being fixed?

  • Lhorigan
    Lhorigan Member Posts: 2

    when my daughter tries to add a photo to one of her contacts, and I choose the “camera” option, it says “can’t use camera due to security policy.” And when I click the “gallery” option, it says “no apps available to perform this function.” How do I get this resolved?

  • int_ent
    int_ent Member Posts: 1

    Transferred one kid from Gabb Phone to Gabb Phone 4, and the automatic online backup & restore worked "almost TOO well."

    She had apparently been cruising along at ~100% storage utilization on the Gabb Phone (1), which of course has an older, smaller OS and fewer apps. She never even mentioned that she had run out of space in over a year, so at least she taught herself to prioritize what to delete — she just didn't learn that "long videos chew storage and usually aren't worthwhile."

    Fast-forward to the Gabb Phone 4 upgrade (a little finnicky, but in general it worked), and again, that automated online restore worked great for files — but not for contacts, which we thought was odd. The next morning the phone was at the hardware's OS-boot failure screen, and wouldn't get past that. (As a Linux guy during my day job, this looked exactly like "root partition full" but without any workarounds due to the semi-hardened Android OS in use here.) The Gabb Phone 4 was completely full, the Gabb Operating System couldn't even stay running nor reboot, and only a factory reset to wipe all her data was going to let us start over.

    Her data was still safely in the Gabb Cloud, of course. We just had to restart the Gabb Phone 4 process.

    One factory reset later, and I sat in the Files app, deleting the first few massive 1GB+ videos (sorry kid & friends, that's the price here), just to ensure there was enough free space to keep the system stabilized. Same as any other Android phone, I just plugged it into her laptop's USB, picked the phone's USB drop-down, and clicked "File Transfer" mode. Cut files from the phone, pasted them to her laptop, and taught her the technique.

    Net-net, teach your kids both storage skills and USB file transfer skills — the Gabb OS doesn't yet protect itself from storage saturation.

    The Gabb App on my own phone was the only real pain here; it really had a problem with the workflow of re-adding the same phone twice, even though I had deleted both old entries. That's a different topic for a different thread.

    (Mod/Admin: Create a topic tag for "Storage" please, and then tag this thread with it. Maybe a "Tips" tag too.)

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