SMS messages on Gabb Phone 4 not delivering

My daughter's brand new Gabb phone 4 will not send SMS messages. She can send MMS, which is group and image text, but nothing else. When she tries to send a SMS it says "sent" but the other line never receives it. Calls work fine. Initially, her gabb phone z2 would not send SMS so I thought it was just old and got her a new phone, but upon setup, it did not work and had the same problems. I was on with Customer Service for more than four hours (very nice reps) but after all that they could not fix my problem after multiple factory resets, disconnecting and reconnecting the line, and syncing settings in the messenger app. The last rep told me she would send this problem to the devs, but it's been pretty frustrating.
Hi @cl10,
So sorry to hear your Gabb Phone 4 is experiencing trouble with the SMS messages. This is definitely not normal for the device. Apologies for any trouble this has caused you and your family.
Thank you for working with our team to get this information escalated to our dev team to further investigate this. They are actively looking to get this resolved.
If anyone else experiences this issue, please contact our Customer Support team to escalated your information. The more information our team has, the better. Customer Support can be contacted by Live-Chat through, or by phone call at 385.235.6646 Monday-Friday from 7:00 a.m-6:30 p.m., MT or Saturday from 7:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. MT.
Thank you!