Unable to call, receive calls or connect to wifi

William1 Member Posts: 2
edited July 2024 in Gabb phones

for several days now we have not been able to use the phone. It won’t connect to WiFi even though it says it’s connected. Can’t receive or place calls. We have turned off and back on and it didn’t help.



  • ReaganKowal
    ReaganKowal Administrator, Moderator Posts: 746 Admin
    edited January 21

    Hello @William1,

    Sorry to hear you are experiencing some trouble with the network on your Gabb Phone. Here are some troubleshooting steps to start with:

    • Reset Settings on Gabb Phone (Z2):
      • Open Settings App -> System -> Reset Options -> Reset Wifi & Bluetooth
      • Open Settings App -> System -> Reset Options -> Reset App Preferences -> Reset Apps
      • Open Settings App -> System -> Reset Options -> RESET SETTINGS

    These steps can help resolve this issue you are experiencing on the Gabb Phone. It looks like our Customer Support has reached out to further troubleshoot this as well. Please respond at your earliest convenience. Thank you!


  • toneil
    toneil Member Posts: 4

    When a call comes in, it rings but stays at the desktop screen, there is no where to answer

  • ReaganKowal
    ReaganKowal Administrator, Moderator Posts: 746 Admin

    Hello @toneil,

    Sorry to hear you were having some trouble with your Gabb Phone (Z2). It's great to see that you were able to get in contact with out Customer Support to follow the above troubleshooting steps as well as the following steps:

    1. Power off the Gabb Phone
    2. Hold the power and volume up buttons until 'ZTE' logo shows
    3. Volume down button
    4. Select wipe cache partition
    5. Select yes
    6. Use the power button to select system reboot

    Thank you for working with our team to help get this resolved!


  • Relmab
    Relmab Member Posts: 1

    My son’s Gabb phone (Z2) is no longer able to make or receive calls. It won’t connect to a mobile network and keeps dropping our Wi-Fi connection. I’ve reset his phone a couple times and it’ll work for a little while then stop again. What can I do to fix this?

  • ReaganKowal
    ReaganKowal Administrator, Moderator Posts: 746 Admin

    Hello @Relmab,

    Apologies for any trouble you have experienced with your Gabb Phone (Z2). Because you are continually experiencing trouble with the network connected on your device after following the troubleshooting steps above, resets to the network carrier by our Customer Support team is the best next troubleshooting step. They have several resets that can be done to help with the network connection and would be more than happy to help!

    Customer Support can be contacted by chat at www.gabb.com, or by phone at 385.235.6646 Monday-Friday from 7:00 a.m-6:30 p.m., MT or Saturday from 7:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. MT.


  • Ninson
    Ninson Member Posts: 1

    my husband has Gabb 4. Im the parent. He can't delete calls and can't get or hear texts from me. I if I drop him from being under me, can these things change? Frustrated.

  • ReaganKowal
    ReaganKowal Administrator, Moderator Posts: 746 Admin

    Hi @Ninson,

    It sounds like your Gabb Phone 4 is having some trouble with the network connection causing it to not receive text messages. Troubleshooting can help resolve this. The troubleshooting steps above for the Gabb Phone (Z2) do apply to the Gabb Phone 4 as well. If you still experience this error after following those troubleshooting steps, please reach out to our Customer Support for further investigation into this error.

    Customer Support can be contacted by Live-Chat at www.gabb.com, or by phone call at 385.235.6646 Monday-Friday from 7:00 a.m-6:30 p.m., MT or Saturday from 7:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. MT.

    Hope this helps!


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