Videos and podcasts in gabb music

Aprilrrussell Member Posts: 2

my daughter has the gabb music+ subscription. She can see “videos” and “podcasts” listed on the menu screen, but we aren’t sure how to access / add those features.



  • ReaganKowal
    ReaganKowal Administrator, Moderator Posts: 764 Admin

    Hi @Aprilrrussell!

    Thank you for this question! At this time, "videos" and "podcasts" are not yet available features in the Gabb Music+ subscription. We hope to make this an available feature in the future!


  • BAM
    BAM Member Posts: 3

    It would be awesome to be able to listen to podcasts on the gabb phone

  • kbreedlove
    kbreedlove Member Posts: 1

    Both my daughters have Gabb Phoen 4. When they send videos/pics to their friends, the photos aren’t great quality and the videos often don’t play. It’s just audio and a still pic. Is there anything you can do to improve this?


  • ReaganKowal
    ReaganKowal Administrator, Moderator Posts: 764 Admin

    Hi @kbreedlove,

    Sorry to hear you're experiencing trouble with the MMS messages on your Gabb Phone 4. We have a post specifically designated for this error. You can find it by clicking HERE👈. Please add your voice to that post to help.

    Thank you!


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