Timer on Gabb Watch 3 not going off

My son has a gabb watch 3. And whenever he tries to set a timer, after the watch goes to sleep automatically, then gets woken up,it will display how much time is left on the timer at the bottom of the home screen but the timer will never go off and it will just display 0:00, until the timer app is opened again.
Hello @India,
So sorry to hear you are having some trouble with the timer notification on your Gabb Watch 3. Here are some great troubleshooting steps to follow to help resolve this:
First: You'll want to make sure your Gabb Watch 3 software and firmware is up to date:
Software Update:
- Connect Gabb Watch to WiFi by going to the settings app
- Open the ID app on the watch
- Tap Update Apps until the screen says "Apps are up to date!" You may need to tap the button multiple times. This may take several minutes to finish.
- Turn the watch completely off by holding down the power button for 4 seconds, select the power off icon on the watch screen, wait 15 seconds, then hold the power button for another 4 seconds to turn the watch back on.
Firmware Update:
- Connect to WiFi
- Place watch on charger. Watch must be charged to at least 30% before updating
- Open the Check for Updates app (shown below)
- Tap the update button. The watch will automatically restart when the update is done.
Second: If you are still experiencing trouble with the timer notification after successfully updating the device, please continue troubleshooting by following these steps:
Soft reset to the Gabb Watch 3:
- Hold the power button down for 4 seconds
- Select the power off icon on the watch screen
- Wait 15 seconds
- Hold the power button for another 4 seconds to turn the watch back on
Hard reset (Factory Reset) on the Gabb Watch 3
- On the MyGabb App: Unpair the watch
- Select the
tab - Select
on the watch you need to unpair - Scroll to the bottom of the profile and select
“Remove Device”
- Select
“Remove and Reset”
- Select the
- On the Watch: Factory Reset the watch
- Place the watch on the charger
- Press the back button (top right button)
10 times fast
- Select the
on the watch - The watch will power off, factory reset, then power back on when it’s finished
- Pair back to the watch
Hope this helps!
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My son's watch has this issue as well. The software is updated. Are you saying this is NOT normal behavior on the latest firmware?
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Hello @avsteele,
Thank you for reaching out to our Customer Support to get this error escalated. We have taken this information to our team to further investigate. Thank you for helping us work to get this resolved!
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@ReaganKowal I tried restarting his watch and it didn't work. I would really rather not reset the watch, is there any other solutions?
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Hi all,
Thank you for your posts on this discussion. At this time, on the Gabb Watch 3, the timer will only sound if the Timer app is open and the screen is awake. We are aware of this and working to release a fix. Due to this not being an easy software change, we will not be able to change this behavior in the immediate term. It may take some time, but we will work to make it so that the timer will sound even when the Timer app is not open or the screen is asleep.
We understand the need - kids need this timer to sound regardless of the screen being awake or not. We appreciate your understanding and will absolutely work on making this possible.
-Gabb Product Team
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all 3 of my kids gabb watches are the same way
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My son's watch has the same issue. After the screen goes to sleep, the timer app closes and the timer never actually goes off until the app is reopened regardless of how much time has elapsed. We tested by setting the timer for 30 seconds. After a few minutes had passed, he checked the watch and it displayed 0:00 on the home screen but no sound. He then reopened the timer app and at that point the timer sounded.
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Any update on this issue? We are experiencing the same thing. Also, when my son tries to use the repeating alarms, they only work one time & won't go off again until we reset them. It's this part of the same problem?
Thank you!
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please fix this issue! We did not have this problem with our older GABB watch. It’s a major issue for us that the timer doesn’t work when screen is asleep. How are kids supposed to know when to check in or come home?
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This is an awful issue we have as well. We were planning to use this as an alarm. If I am understanding the above, this won't work?
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This is clearly a BUG which essentially renders the Timer function useless! A feature I might add that was one of the selling points of this watch. I trust this has been escalated as a Critical Priority Issue on the roadmap slated for immediate fix!?
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@ReaganKowal do you have any updates on when this issue will be resolved? There was a recent update but this issue still remains. We are paying our hard earned money for this watch, everything within it should be functioning properly.
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Hi @E_5 and everyone!
Thank you for continually commenting your experience with this. I can assure you that our team is actively working on finding a solution. We do not currently have a date of when a fix will be released. A post will be made in this thread as soon as we have an update. Thank you for your patience.
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I thought a temporary fix could be turning on the raise to wake setting and upping the time until the watch went to sleep but 60 seconds isn’t a long time for a timer.
Gabb customer service: Could a temporary fix (while the software is being updated for the timer) be that there’s an option to have an unlimited option for the sleep time? Then it wouldn’t go to sleep and the timer can stay open?
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@ReaganKowal , is there an update on this issue? My son's Gabb3 watch repeat alarm does not work. When looking for a watch for our son, the biggest factor when purchasing was the vibrating alarm. When can this issue be expected to be fixed? I am starting to regret the purchase with all the continued issues with the watch. Please fix this issue quickly. Thanks.
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my daughter has only had her watch for a week and the reason we bought it was because of the alarm feature. Her alarm will not repeat daily or even work at all. I thought maybe since it was in focus mode, but now that I am seeing this problem above, I’m thinking that it isnt the case and that it should be at least vibrating and alerting her that way.
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Any solutions? I have been extremely disappointed in this watch so far.
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Hello everyone,
We hear and see your comments and concerns on this post and thank you for continuing to alert us of your experience with the timer on your Gabb Watch 3e. Our team is aware of this error and is actively working to get this resolved as soon as possible.
We will update this post as soon as we have a release date for the fix. We thank you for your patience and understanding with this situation. Thank you for being part of our Gabb family!
-Gabb Product Team
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This is a big bummer for us. We've had a gabb watch for years and just got my daughter the new one for Christmas. She used the alarm on her previous gabb watch all the time. It worked without any issues. One week into back-to-school and she can't use the alarm feature on her new gabb watch.
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My watch is having the same problem--repeating alarms are not going off. Timers and alarms for executive function support was a HUGE deciding factor to purchase this product. So, the fact that these features are not working is very disappointing and inconvenient. I will be very interested to see this corrected ASAP.
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@reagankowal We have the same issue with the timer. Looks like this thread first mentioned the issue in August 2024. That was five months ago. Seems like a big fix should’ve been done by now. This watch is as basic as you can get and when these “basic” features don’t work then it is pretty much useless. Is there a timeframe for this getting fixed?
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My daughter's new 3e is having the same problem - alarms will not go sound, even though they worked perfectly on her older Watch 1. Why is this such a difficult problem to solve? Super irritating, bordering on fraud for false advertisement.
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Hello! It’s March and this is still an issue. Any updates since November from the Gabb team?