Gabb Messenger

My gabb messenger updated and now it is telling me on device care that the app has malware. That's quite concerning as I'm hesitant on using the app too often.
Hello @BluCrusher14,
Thank you for this question! We apologize for any concern this caused you. We can assure you that there isn't any malware on your Gabb Phone. This notification is a fairly normal response from App Protection on Samsung devices towards applications that don't directly come from the Google Play Store. The Gabb Messenger app is created by Gabb and not Samsung.
If you are experiencing any trouble opening your Gabb Messenger app, App Protection can be disabled by following these steps:
- Settings > Device Care > App Protection > Select Three dots in top right corner > App Protection Settings > toggle the bar off at the top of the screen
This will not compromise the safety on the device. Hope this information helps!
-Gabb Product Team