Gabb Phone 4 Pro Videos in messenger

Videos will not play in my daughter's Gabb 4 pro Gabb messenger. Only shows as a still image. Her friend has the Gabb 4 (not Pro) and videos work for her.
Hi @iccil,
Thank you for this post and sharing your experience with this error on your Gabb Phone 4 Pro. Reports like this help our team investigate further into errors our customers are experiencing.
Our team has been made know of this error to investigate. We'd love to see any more reports of this commented on this post to continue to help us look into this. The more reports we have the better!
Thank you!
-Gabb Product Team
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I have the same problem. Any videos sent to Gabb Messenger show up as a still image and an audio recording. There is no motion picture.
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On previous models of Gabb phone that I've owned, this problems was solved by changing your default video player to the Samsung one. Haven't had any luck with that on the Gabb Phone 4 Pro.
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My son has the same problem. It only sends a picture and an audio recording. He also has the Gabb phone 4 pro
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My son has a Gabb phone 4 and it will not send or receive group text or picture messages. Does anyone know how to fix it?
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my daughter has the same problem with her Gabb 4 pro. Any videos she receives are still images with no audio m. What is the fix?
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my daughter has the 4 pro as well and we have this same issue. It’s very disappointing, past that the phone is perfect! Is there any fix to this at all?
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my son just got a pro 4 and can send a video but only the audio is working. the video is still. also cannot share pictures and any selfie taken is upside down. 😫
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Hello all!
Thank you for sharing your experiences on this post. We see and hear each of these! We are actively looking into this error to ensure we get this resolved as soon as possible. We will update this post with new information.
Thank you!
-Gabb Product Team
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I am having the same problem as everyone else when it comes to videos sent on the Gabb phone 4 pro. They all come in as either pictures or a picture and an audio recording. What is the fix for this? Or how long will it be before it is fixed? Thank you Gabb for the great service but the technical stuff with Gabb is quite an annoyance.
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Cannot share pic on the Gabb Phone 4Pro. Thought it was dumb, then I decided to look to see if it was happening to anyone else or if it is just a safety thing. Glad it can be fixed in the near future!
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we just bought two of the gabb 4 pros and they both have this same problem. Anyone find a fix yet?
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Exact same problem with both my kid’s Gabb 4 pros. If anyone finds a solution,please share!
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We haven’t even tried videos yet, but my child can’t download the image that I shared via text message. Also, my child is not able to see group texts sent to her. Is this just a problem with my child’s Gabb 4 phone, a user error, or something wrong with Gabb service?
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My daughter has the same issue where the videos just show as a still picture and the audio still plays. Any update on this? Seems like this is taking a long time to find a fix.
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My sons gabb phone 4 pro receives videos via texts, but doesn't play or move. Any help would be appreciated.
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We are having the same issue. My daughter the 4 pro and she cannot play the videos we send her. It is a still image with the recording Patiently waiting for the update to correct this. Thank you!
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We’re also in the same boat with videos not coming through correctly.
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We are also having this issue. Please let us know when it is resolved.
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gabb - I’m having the same issue. It’s very frustrating.
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my son cannot receive picture messages. Is there a way to fix that?
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I purchased two of the pro phones for Christmas and both are having the same issue (still image in place of video). Please advise if and when there is a fix. My kids told me they would have preferred their old phones rather than the upgraded devices due to this issue.
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Has this been fixed yet? Videos worked when we first received the phone and now they don't. Super frustrating to not have all the features available
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Same issue here. The tech issues with gabb have been exceedingly frustrating, though they do have good customer service. Hoping they jump back on here with a fix soon.
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Same issue with my sons new Gabb phone 4 pro. Still image with audio, but no video. It worked fine fine on his old gabb Z2 phone.
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Same issue here. Any resolution?
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Having the same issue. Super frustrating. You pay for services and they don’t work.
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I’m having the same problem with my daughter’s new Gabb 4 pro. Videos I send her are a still picture.
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This is very annoying… please find a fix as soon as possible! Thank you for trying but please try harder!😫😡
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We have the same problem on two phones.
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What is the status of resolving the issue where videos are showing as still images in Gabb Messenger on the Gabb 4 Pro? This problem was first reported in November 2024. Similar to other users, this feature worked correctly on my daughter's Gabb Phone 3 Pro. Given that we are paying extra for this service, we would like to request reimbursement if the issue cannot be resolved promptly.
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Hello everyone!
Thank you for your continual comments on this post. You are continuing to help us investigate this error. We’re sorry you’ve been experiencing these issues and apologize for any frustration this has caused. Our developers are aware of the bug and are actively investigating.
If you would like to further assist by escalating your information to the our developing team for faster resolution, we would greatly appreciate your help. Please contact Customer Support by Live-Chat through, or by phone call at 385.235.6646 Monday-Friday from 7:00 a.m-6:30 p.m., MT or Saturday from 7:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. MT.
Thank you.
-Gabb Product Team
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Still have had this same issue for months. Frustrating.
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is there any way you can give more information? Calling and reporting a bug over and over doesn’t seem like it’s doing anything. A timeline, a reason… anything would be better than the response given that you are aware of it. This and the maps. You are advertising features don’t work. I get a fix that takes a few weeks, but 4 months?? Cmon.
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yes this is super frustrating. It’s happening for us too. Calling to report it over and over does not seem to be fixing the issue. Some more information as to why this is happening would be great. Otherwise we should not have to pay for these extra services.