Introducing Gabb Music+

Robert Dean
Robert Dean Administrator Posts: 8 Admin
edited May 2024 in Software

The next level in clean music streaming for kids and teens is here. Introducing Gabb Music+

Gabb Music+ lets you search for artists and songs, build your own playlists, download music for offline listening and more. Check out our Gabb Music page for details.

To get Gabb Music+ you can:

  1. Update your phone plan to an Advanced Plan as shown here. Gabb Music+ is bundled into this plan at no extra charge.
  2. Change or add a Gabb Music+ subscription "á la carte". This is a great option for customers who do not want to change to an Advanced Plan. To do so, log in to your Gabb Account online at, click Subscriptions and change the subscription on the phone line to Gabb Music+. If using this method, make sure your child stays logged into the same Gabb ID on their device that they used with their original Gabb Music subscription.

Gabb Music is currently only available for Gabb phones and not on Gabb watches at this time.



  • Kelsbog
    Kelsbog Member Posts: 2

    How can I submit artists to be added to the catalog? My daughter’s favorite (clean) music artists are not in there yet.

  • Reagan Kowal - Gabb
    Reagan Kowal - Gabb Administrator, Moderator Posts: 774 Admin


    This is a great question! Our team does not currently have a form to fill out to give feedback of suggested artists. We'd love for a thread to be started in the Feature Idea page. You can make a post about Music/Artist Suggestions of your favorite artist. This will encourage other customers to do the same! From there, our Music Team will can look through the thread and continually improve the safe music list moving forward. Thank you!


  • Kristyr
    Kristyr Member Posts: 1

    Gabb music is not fully clean and does contain explicit content even though there are no cuss words in the song. Such as P Diddys song “hot and wet”. I’m socked to see this available in gabb music along with other sexually explicit songs that should not be there if it’s actually a clean music app.

  • Reagan Kowal - Gabb
    Reagan Kowal - Gabb Administrator, Moderator Posts: 774 Admin

    Hello @Kristyr,

    Thank you for bringing this to light. Gabb Music is designed to provide kids with a safe and enjoyable music experience across all musical genres. We filter songs, titles, artist names, and images to ensure there is no explicit language or inappropriate subject matter. We take the safety of each song very seriously.

    The song in question was brought to the attention of our Gabb Music Team and was immediately removed as it does not meet our standards and guidelines. Our team is now investigating how it may have gotten through so this does not happen again in the future.

    Thank you again for bringing this to our attention so we could make this right!


  • JohnPaul
    JohnPaul Member Posts: 1

    Could you add Pink Floyds Wish you where there and goodbye blue sky

  • Dmize1
    Dmize1 Member Posts: 1

    Upgraded to music+ how long do I have to wait until it becomes active?

  • Reagan Kowal - Gabb
    Reagan Kowal - Gabb Administrator, Moderator Posts: 774 Admin

    Hi @Dmize1,

    Great question! The new features will become available immediately after the new subscription has been activated. Your Gabb Phone may need a reset for it to recognize the new subscription. You can easily do so by powering the device off for 30 seconds and back on.

    If you do not see the new features in your Gabb Music app after that reset, our Customer Support team can preform a Sync to your MyAccount to help the phone recognize the update. You can contact our Customer Support by Live-Chat through, or by phone call at 385.235.6646 Monday-Friday from 7:00 a.m-6:30 p.m., MT or Saturday from 7:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. MT.

    Hope this helps!


  • LoriJo
    LoriJo Member Posts: 1

    Unfortunatley we have come across explicit songs in Gabb Music +. There are songs with LOTS of terrible cursing. Please check the song "Thrift Shop." It says the F word and others multiple times. As a family we really enjoy the clean version of that song. Can you please replace it with the clean version?

    There are other songs as well with cursing as well. Please check the songs.

  • Reagan Kowal - Gabb
    Reagan Kowal - Gabb Administrator, Moderator Posts: 774 Admin

    Hi @LoriJo,

    Thank you for this comment and for bringing light to the "Thrift Shop" song in Gabb Music+. Our team has been notified of this feedback . We take the safety of our Gabb Music+ very seriously and work to ensure it is safe for all users. If you or others have found songs like this on our Gabb Music+ please comment below so we can do further investigation.

    Thank you!


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