Upgrade question

Taunya Member Posts: 4

If my child has a Gabb Watch 2, what is the process/timing to upgrade to a Gabb Watch 3? We have had the 2 for 18 months, roughly.

Best Answer

  • ReaganKowal
    ReaganKowal Administrator, Moderator Posts: 746 Admin
    edited August 2024 Answer ✓

    Hi @Taunya,

    Great question! Thank you for being part of our Gabb Family

    You can upgrade your device anytime by following these steps. From a computer:

    1. Log into your MyAccount
    2. Select "Upgrade Device" on the left hand side of the page
    3. Select the line you would like to upgrade
    4. Follow the remaining upgrading steps

    Here is an explanation of the different Upgrade options:

    • Completed a contract or been with us for 12+ consecutive months on No Contract? Get a free device for signing up for a 2 year contract, 50% off for signing a 1 year contract and 25% off for a month to month plan when upgrading!
    • Currently in contract or month to month less than 12 consecutive months and wanting to upgrade? You can! Renew your contract and receive 25% off your device.



  • Taunya
    Taunya Member Posts: 4

    Thank you!

  • Shanmom
    Shanmom Member Posts: 1

    My account is saying (no contract) next to my billing amount. Does this mean I can cancel at any time with no fee? I had asked about upgrading my current phone with the deal right now for a free phone, but was told I would have a fee. We plan to transition my son to a new non Gabb phone, but get my daughter a Gabb phone. Is it best to just cancel his and buy her one through the deal?

  • ReaganKowal
    ReaganKowal Administrator, Moderator Posts: 746 Admin

    Hi @Shanmom,

    Your post was merged into this one as it give great insight on your question on upgrading your line.

    Great questions. When a line is on the No Contract, it can be canceled without an Early Termination Fee. If you are receiving a notification that a fee will be applied, your line is possibly in a contract. You can check the status of your lines contract through the emailed invoice your account receives each month. Under Billing Summary, you will see a statement saying X Months Remaining on Contract.

    There are several options available when looking to upgrade your device. As mentioned above, here are the upgrading options if your device is and is not on a contract:

    • Completed a contract or been with us for 12+ consecutive months on No Contract? Get a free device for signing up for a 2 year contract, 50% off for signing a 1 year contract and 25% off for a month to month plan when upgrading!
    • Currently in contract or month to month less than 12 consecutive months and wanting to upgrade? You can! Renew your contract and receive 25% off your device.

    With this information, you can move forward with the best option for you and your family!


  • Ness
    Ness Member Posts: 1
    edited September 2024
    When can my daughter get a free upgrade?
  • ReaganKowal
    ReaganKowal Administrator, Moderator Posts: 746 Admin

    Hello @Ness,

    Your post was merged into this one as others have had similar questions! You can find information on how to upgrade your device and what qualifies a line for a free upgrade in the posts above.

    Thank you!


  • Candi
    Candi Member Posts: 1

    We have the gab 2 watch and would like a upgrade. Are there any specials for that

  • ReaganKowal
    ReaganKowal Administrator, Moderator Posts: 746 Admin

    Hello @Candi,

    Your post was merged into this post that includes answers to your question.

    Hope this helps!


  • Shrisa
    Shrisa Member Posts: 1

    Can i upgrade a phone

  • CarrieG
    CarrieG Member Posts: 1

    My child has a Gabb watch and we are considering upgrading him to a Gabb 4 Pro for Christmas. Can we upgrade him even if we have a current line/plan active? We'd want to keep the same number for him with the phone.

  • ReaganKowal
    ReaganKowal Administrator, Moderator Posts: 746 Admin
    edited December 2024

    Hey @Shrisa and @CarrieG,

    Your posts were merged into this post as others have asked similar questions. Check out the comments above for more information.

    Thank you!


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